*~XCW Arrival was looking to be a amazing show as the matches have been signed and some of the best of the best in this business would be trying to make their statements in their matches and one man....'The Knockout KING' Lucas White would be fighting for the first ever XCW Canadian Heavyweight Championship against James Johnson...the man who brings the violence(according to him) David Thomas and Adam Lane who seem to be just a couple of losers trying to be great when in all of reality, they are known around the wrestling world as complete losers and Lucas loved putting losers out, it was one of his favorite things in the world and XCW Arrival was going to be a night no one was going to forget about and one man had one goal...to become champion by any means needed!!!*~
*~The Cameras open up a couple days before the big show as some were started to give their promos or were planning to get their thoughts said about their matches and what not as one man had agreed to sit down and have a little sit down interview about his title match and a few other things that had been happening since he signed with XCW as Lucas is shown sitting arcoss from Chelsea Reilly with a smirk as she smiles and starts to speak to the Knockout KING*~
///Chelsea Reilly///
'I am sitting backstage with Lucas White who is only a few days from being in a match for the First Ever XCW Canadian Heavyweight Champion...how are you feeling knowing in just a few days, you could become the first ever.....
*~Lucas smirks and interupts her line of questioning when it comes to his title shot that isn't too far away as Lucas licked his lips a little bit before he speaks on what is going to happen in Canada*~

///'The Knockout King' Lucas White///
'I am assuming you don't know who the hell I am really because if you had any idea, your line of questioning would not be so stupid huh? I am one of the best in ring workers of this generation and I love knocking people out for a living and I am hard to beat in any sitution and I know everyone is talking about this match but honestly all anyone should be talking about is how that title is going to look around the waist of THIS AMERICAN.
*~Lucas smirks a little bit before he speaks again knowing all the canadians in that arena are going to hate it when a real american walks out with the gold as he chuckles a little bit before he speaks on the people in the match which he doesn't even know why he is wasting anytime since none of them are going to even come close breaking a sweat as he speaks*~
///'The Knockout KING' Lucas White///
'James Johnson is a complete waste of time and hasn't been seen in a long damn time but comes out of nowhere and is bringing alot of violence with him, well according to him which I can personally tell you isn't much at all, he will be KNOCKED OUT. Adam Lane...never seen or heard of him and not worried because he will also GET KNOCKED OUT and then who in the hell is David Thomas? oh yeah that's right, no one gives a damn about him either, the only one who is walking out as the first ever XCW Canadian Heavyweight Champion is ME!!!!
*~Lucas smirks a bit as Chelsea smiles and speaks again*~
///Chelsea Reilly///
'I also wanted to ask you about the whole sitution with Issac Lafoa making comments about your wife?
*~Lucas smirk slowly goes away as he leans a little closer towards Chelsea before he speaks to her about that fool who is going to get his in very short time for his comments about his lovely wife Morgan.*~
///'The Knockout KING' Lucas White///
'he can make all the comments he wants if he feels that is going to get him out of the tag team division and get a match with the best of the best then keep it up kid but once you get that match with the Knockout KING.... he is not going to be a fun one either because I am going to hurt you and hurt you bad to the point where you will be sitting in the nearest hospital for a long damn time....lesson you will learn....no one talks about my WIFE EVER!!!
*~Lucas smirks a bit before turning his full attention to the cameras and speaks again before his huge title match in a few days giving one last warning to everyone involved in this match.*~
///'The Knockout KING' Lucas White///
'GENTLEMEN....in a few days....I will be the first ever XCW Canadian Heavyweight Champion and each one of you boys will BE KNOCKED OUT....get ready...it's going to be a rough one for you gentlemen!!
*~Lucas smirks and winks a bit before slowly standing up and walking down the hallway as his goal has been made very clear what is going to happen in Canada in a few days when the first XCW Canadian Heavyweight Champion is announced, get ready fools, this was going to be a FIGHT!!*~