*~lately it seems like Brandon Nyman's career is kicking into a second gear and he's on his way to possibly becoming a 6 time world heavyweight champion if he can walk into Canada...he is always ready when the bright lights are shinning on him as he has made
a career out of doing this and even thought...he is getting older...he loves it more now than ever before and XCW Arrival was going to be the night he once again...showed up, beat some assholes and put them both and then he would holding the title everyone wants him to win....it was just another moment where THE GREATEST EVER would become another reign ON TOP!!!!
*~The Cameras open up backstage as Brandon Nyman is shown walking down the hallway
with his wife Arnica as they are heading down the hallway to their lockeroom after getting some food and laughing a little bit as they keep within themselves before they are stopped by backstage interviewer Chelsea Reilly who has a microphone as Arnica smiles and heads to their lockeroom as Brandon smirks a bit while looking at her as she speaks about tonight*~
///Chelsea Reilly///
'a pretty big and busy evening as you look for your sixth world heavyweight championship as you are going into a triple threat match against Brock Johnson and Allen Devine... both from their twitters seem damn confident they are walking away with the title tonight, your thoughts?
*~Brandon chuckles a bit before he rubs his chin a bit before he takes a deep breath before he speaks knowing both of these bitches would have something to say and they could talk all damn long if they wanted too but when that bell rang...their asses would get a reality check when they were in the ring with THE GREATEST EVER*~

///Brandon Nyman///
'Chelsea, people will talk in life and some can talk all damn day for all I care...what I do know is how to be a professional wrestler....I know how to go to that ring and beat people up and out smart people and that is what is going to happen in the middle of the ring...outside of the ring...wherever the hell we end up fighting....I am going to beat those bitches in and out of the ring and when the night is all said and done I will be a six time world heavyweight champion and both of them little punks will have all the time in the world to complain on twitter or too anyone who will listen but tonight is going to alot easier than they think...obviously they have forgot who the hell I am.....I AM THE GREATEST EVER and tonight I make these boys my bitches in front of all of these people....I am going to enjoy this!!!!
*~Brandon smirks a bit before Chelsea puts the microphone to her mouth as she speaks again*~
///Chelsea Reilly///
' you aren't worried at all, pretty talented guys?
*~Brandon smirks a little bit before taking a deep breath as he speaks again*~
///Brandon Nyman///
'they can be as talented as they want but none of them have the level of talent that you will see tonight in front of your face.....Tonight I will beat their asses and so they can run their mouth all night for all I care but I know what I need to do....I AM GOING TO BREAK THEIR SOULS TONIGHT....i am going to make them feel WEAK....boys....you have no idea what is coming tonight.
*~Brandon smiles as he slowly turns his head towards the cameras before he gets serious and speaks*~

///Brandon Nyman///
'the problem with people in this business is they have simply forgot just how damn good I am when that bell rings...I have beat the best and will keep beating the best until the day I die....I love doing this and none of these little fucks are' going to stop any of that and after tonight.....I AM GOING TO PROVE I AM THE BEST THEY HAVE EVER SEEN....tonight I Control XCW!!!!
*~Brandon smirks a little bit before winks at her before walking down the hallway to their lockeroom as the fans cheer as the cameras slowly start to fade away....one thing needs to be known.....Brandon Nyman is here to WIN PERIOD!!!!