Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:56
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Date Posted:05/08/2018 02:00 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Zosia Championship Wrestling; A small upstart professional wrestling company headed by the President, Erin Roberts, and the brain child of another small revolutionary company named Extreme Championship Wrestling, Paul Heyman as Chairman. Everyone has heard this song and dance before; professional wrestling opens up in the United States heade by a scorned wrestling or promoter, immediately touring the country and world, spending all their money and bankrupting within a couple weeks to a few months. This is not the story of ZCW. Paul Heyman isn't scorned by the wrestling community. In fact the exact opposite is true. Paul Heyman is more than happy to be shunned by professional wrestling and staying home with his wife and kids. Paul Heyman doesn't need money. Paul Heyman has enough business inquires and money to live happily out of the limelight. Paul Heyman realizes that the United States wrestling community is over crowded. He knows there is a small promotion in every state in every town that will leech on to the bigger promotions that come to town. How does he prevent this? By not opening a wrestling promotion in the United States. ZCW was started in Edmonton Alberta Canada. Where will ZCW be doing business? The Northlands Coliseum in... EDMONTON ALBERTA CANADA! That's correct! Zosia Championship Wrestling will be following in Extreme Championship Wrestling's foot steps and stay stationary. All events whether it is television, live events, or large events will be in the Northlands Coliseum until the building can no longer contain the live audience.
ZCW cameras begin to set up for the first time getting all the kinks worked out and live for the upcoming Capital Blood event. The camera crew was instructed to get themselves together then find the Chairman. To many of the crew, it is an once in a lifetime event to meet Paul Heyman. Many of the crew have been watching professional wrestling since childhood and wanted to see his brilliance in person. The cameras are live. The production truck is in its place. Everything is ready for the first ever broadcast of ZCW content. The camera crew begins to move down the halls of the Northlands Coliseum looking for the Chairman of ZCW. The camera crew found Paul Heyman outside his office.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentleman, My name is Paul Heyman. I am the official Chairman of Zosia Championship Wrestling. As you can tell from cameras and the environment, this is not World Wrestling Entertainment nor Extreme Championship Wrestling. This is the beginning of something that could be one of the bigger things to come to professional wrestling in quite some time. I was contacted by some of my investors about an opportunity to bring an idea to reality. And tonight will be the dawning of this new era. But I am not going to stand here and have you all listen to me talk. I am going to address ZCW and its future in front of the live crowd in just a few moments.
Paul Heyman smirks before walking away from the camera and down the hall towards the entrance way. The camera moves to ring area to see the stands sparsely seated. Large chunks of the ring area open for seating. Noticeable ZCW and Northlands Coliseum staff notifying audience members of seating advancements slowly filling the lower rows and ringside seats. The production crew begins to show a video package created around some of the recently signed talent from their time in other companies.
Zoe Mason competing against some top stars where she used to work. Taylor Archor winning a Women's Championship. Allen DeVine showing off and being a work horse. Adam Lane training in the gym for his ZCW debut. Erika May competing in another company. James E. Dangerously showing off a brutal attack he orchestrated by his Undisputed Alliance group. Amber Bryant becoming Womens Champion for the very first time. David Thomas running up a partner's back before gutwrech suplexing a man off the top rope. Lee J. Tiger taking someone out with the Pope Express. William Ellis disrespecting the crowd after a victory.
The production crew pans back to the live audience showing better attendance. The fans look to be excited for what could happen if this company kicks off. The cameras show Lakeisha Short and Kristi Church sitting at the announce table and Natasha Castello sitting beside them. The male crowd erupts with cat calls for the lady staff members. The camera crew sets up around the ring and on the ramp anticipating the arrival of the Chairman.
"Mental" plays as Paul Heyman walks through the curtain to the crowd. Heyman struts down the ramp with a grin on his face looking at the crowd that is beginning to look more desirable. Paul Heyman walks around the ring grabbing a microphone from Natasha Castello. Paul Heyman walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring. Paul Heyman walks around the ring with the microphone in hand looking around the Northlands Coliseum before raising the microphone to his mouth to address the live audience.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman but you already knew that! I am the Chairman of this new company called Zosia Championship Wrestling. Like I said before, tonight is the beginning of a new era here in professional wrestling. And no this is not some kind of cross promotion with World Wrestling Entertainment. This is NOT a Canada based developmental brand for WWE. This is MY brain child. Like I previously stated, while I was sitting at home collecting a pay check from WWE, I was contacted by some investors regarding an untapped potential for a thriving wrestling promotion right here in Edmonton Alberta Canada. And the business man that I am, I listened to their pitch. I will say, obviously, I was not disappointed. I decided to invest some of my money into this project and here we are today. I have scoured the world and contracted some new and some established names to help build this company to the top. Let me address the President of this company, Erin Roberts. Erin Roberts has been an Assistant General Manager for many years within a company that under utilized her abilities and brilliance. That woman could turn any company into a multi million dollar corporation. I know she will kill me for saying this but she may be "damaged goods" after being fired from that promotion but once I brought her in, she has made a complete one eighty in her life. She is much better off being a PRESIDENT of a company rather than just some piss ant Assistant General Manager that is constantly disregarded as a woman with good tits. Then I hired the President of Female Talent Relations, Erin's twin sister, Oktober Roberts. Oktober was treated much like her sister in that company. She was able to be somewhat "free range" but was held down to certain activities. She wasn't allowed to express her mind for wrestling much like her sister. She wasn't utilized like she should have been. So when I gave Erin the call, she immediately recommended her sister. Which I am not at all disappointed with. She knows what it takes to be a top wrestler in this industry. She has already hired some of the bigger names from her previous employer. The President of Men's Talent Relations, on the other hand, is new to this industry. Erik Drake has dabbled in professional wrestling recreationally but nothing formal. And as the story goes, I handed his a list of men from around the world that I was interested in and some I wasn't so hot about with a budget to hire the ones he wanted. He took only five minutes to look over the lists and made some very impressive decisions. I hired him and I don't regret my decision because he has actually got some of those names signed to this company. I would love to personally talk about that announce team but I was not the one to have hired them but from what I have seen, they have been good employees and will be good for this company. But now I open the floor to anyone that wants to address the audience, the others in the locker room, or even myself.
Paul Heyman lowers the microphone and looks up at the entrance way to see if anyone wants to make their presence known. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:24
- Posts:24
- Register:10/08/2009 15:29 PM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:12/17/2018 01:53 AMCopy HTML
 | friends | enemies | achievements | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | 2 Time Women's European Champion. 3 Time Women's Impact Champion. Hardcore Divas Champion. 11 Time Body Series Champion. |
| Zosia Championship Wrestling is starting to get its gears moving and momentum building. The roster is slowly building up with veterans and newcomers alike. Edmonton is a wrestling community unlike any other. Edmonton is rich with wrestling history and the home of many of the legendary Canadian wrestlers.
Paul Heyman stands in the ring twirling his microphone around in his hand growing rather impatient with the lack on assertiveness displayed by the talent in the back. Paul Heyman leans against the ropes looking rather annoyed with his superstars and women. Paul Heyman is not a man that likes to be pissed off nor some one you need to piss off. He is not afraid to fire everyone and start a new. He has been the head of companies before and has been the head of creative. You don't blow off your bosses. It never turns out well.
Paul Heyman: Well it looks like I may have over estimated my competitors. I brought all this talent in because they have illistrated to me and my appointed managers they have RUTHLESS AGGRESSION! But it looks like no one has the testicular fortitude to come out here and show they are the best in the world. I should be fire....
Paul Heyman is interrupted by the sounds of "Headstrong" blasting over the PA system. Paul Heyman looks on with a look of amazement on his face. The fans erupt in cheers at the sound of the music as the legendary Debra Lynn Tiger walks out from behind the curtain.
Debra Lynn Tiger is best known for her work within the confines of a mega company for the last twelve years alongside the Tiger family. Whether she was against them or aligned with them, she has always had close ties with them.
Debra Lynn Tiger walks down the ramp with a look of determination on her face. Debra Lynn Tiger walks around the ring getting a microphone before walking up the steps and into the ring. Debra Lynn Tiger stands in the ring looking over the crowd as the fans exchange chants of "This is awesome!" and "Debra!". Debra Lynn Tiger raises the microphone up to her lips to speak. Debra Lynn Tiger: You look like you seen a ghost Mister Heyman. What's wrong? Didn't expect me to come down here?
Paul Heyman: Well. Quite frankly. No. Sure your husband and brother-in-law are contracted to ZCW but from my understanding, you were not apart of those signings. And with that being said, what are you doing out here? I will not tolerate anyone going rough shot in my company. I will not allow uncontracted competitors to show up on MY shows and use MY air time to get themselves over.
Debra Lynn Tiger: Settle down Paul.
Paul Heyman: It is MISTER Heyman to you
Debra Lynn Tiger just rolls her eyes.
Debra Lynn Tiger: Yeah whatever! Anyways, I am not here to "run rough shot" or "steal your air time". I am here to save your womens' ranks. Yeah it is true I am not under contract and my contract negotiations are completly separate of Stanley and Lee's. But I am out here to publicly negociate the biggest signing to your women's division.
Paul Heyman: You really think you can just walk out here and demand a contract just because you are married to one of the biggest names in professional wrestling? That's not going to happen on my watch. So if you want a contract, I suggest you turn around and walk back up that ramp to talk with Oktober Roberts.
Debra Lynn Tiger rolls her wrist with the microphone in hand looking completely unamused by Paul Heyman's comments. Debra Lynn Tiger looks over the crowd as they look to be getting behind her. Debra Lynn Tiger raises the microphone back up to her lips.
Debra Lynn Tiger: Look here Paul! I came here to ZCW to do you and these fans a favor. I don't need the money. After all, you did say I am married to one of the biggest names in professional wrestling, so the money is there and then some. I came here to become the first and ONLY ZCW Womens Champion. You see, I could go back and chat with Oktober Roberts to negotiate my potential. OR I could go straight to the head of the company and do the same thing. My husband may be fine with going up the ladder. But I am not the same kind of person. I support my husband's decisions and choices but I am not content sitting around waiting for what I want. So. We can do this the easy way and you offer me a contract or we can do this a hard way and I come out here every week until you give me what I want.
Paul Heyman looks at the crowd with a look of unamusement. Paul Heyman raises the microphone back up to his mouth.
Paul Heyman: Is that so? Then I guess I only got one thing to say. Read my lips Missus Tiger. Come on. Come closer. You ready? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. So I suggest you get your little butt out of MY ring and out of MY building before I have security remove you. Debra Lynn Tiger pretends to look shocked looking at the crowd before smiling looking back to Paul Heyman.
Debra Lynn Tiger: Did you about my butt...AND threaten me?
Paul Heyman: And what if I did?
Debra Lynn Tiger: Did you just happen to forget just WHO I am married to? A man that is a former multi time World Champion. A man that is not only a former multi time Hardcore Champion but also has ended many careers. A man that stands at six foot ten and weighs three hundred twenty-six pounds. But most importantly, a man that doesn't take too kindly to men threatening his wife nor them talking about her body.
Debra Lynn Tiger watches as the color drains from Paul Heyman's face,
Debra Lynn Tiger: And you just committed both crimes. So. If I know my husband right, he is watching from the back. HEY hunny! And is probably about three fourths of the way to the curtain right now. So I would suggest you apologize to me right quick before that ominous music hits.
Debra Lynn Tiger lowers her microphone as she looks up at the entrance ramp. | "I Am God's Gift to Men and You Are Too Damn Jealous to Admit it!" | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2018 for the use of Debra for her own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:12
- Posts:12
From:United Kingdom
- Register:11/25/2010 18:23 PM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/05/2019 06:28 AMCopy HTML
 | allies | current feud | accomplishments | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | womens' internet champion, womens' european champion, naughty divas champion, womens' xtreme champion, two time body series champion |
| Debra Lynn Tiger looks up to the entrance way expecting a certain someone come out to the ring. Debra Lynn Tiger smiles as she looks over at Paul Heyman thinking she is about to get what she wants. Debra Lynn Tiger looks up at the entrance way as she notices the slightest bit of flickering of lights. "Sick Like Me" plays as the fans look on in confusion. Debra Lynn Tiger looks on knowing it is not her husband. The fans erupt in boos as Alison Creed walks out from the back. Debra Lynn Tiger is visually sickened and upset at the sight of an old rival of her's. Alison Creed walks down the ramp as Debra Lynn Tiger walks to the other side of the ring. Alison Creed climbs into the ring and walks to the center of the ring with a microphone in hand.
Alison Creed: Honestly no one cares about you or your exaggrated sense of entitlement. No one owes you anything. Everyone came here to see me. The Mistress of Mischeif come out here and address every one of these worthless people. I have come out here to prove just how undesirable you really are you dog faced little troll. The chairman has even said he doesn't want you working here so WHY ARE YOU STILL OUT HERE?! God damn! Get the hint you are unwanted and just GO AWAY! Your own husband didn't even come out here to "save" you. Oh and speaking of him, Hey Stanley Baby! Muah! Don't you regret getting rid of me yet? But back to you Whorezilla, just scoot your flat ass out of this ring and quit trying to bring down this womens' division. Mister Paul Heyman, I think it is time that you just call security to remove that little at over there scaring off your potential fan base.
Alison Creed lowers her microphone and looks at Paul Heyman for a response. | The Mistress of Mischeif | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
- Posts:173
- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/07/2019 17:07 PMCopy HTML
Things were heating up and before Mr Heyman could reply another diva came out but this girl was not just a diva but none other than the ZCW Goddess and she had a huge smile on her face and she gave Heyman a look to as you mind if I speak and he nods to let her speak her mind... 
Taylor: Wow ZCW has picked up in a big way and that's a good thing but sitting back there and listening to you DLT I just couldn't help myself as I had to come out here because you see around here your husband can't fight your battles and honey if you step up my way I will slap that stupid smirk off your face! ZCW is a place were the best rise up and this Goddess is going to rise right with the ratings! Now you both can keep boring this place with your drama but I on the other hand am ready to fight and bring ZCW to the best ratings ever so you girls can join in or you can go to the back and do nothing! But DLT I really hope that you step up cause I think getting a shot at you could be fun! Taylor stands there and smirks as it felt good to come up and address the ZCW and mostly just to do something. Now just how is this all going to play out...

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:24
- Posts:24
- Register:10/08/2009 15:29 PM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/08/2019 05:47 AMCopy HTML
 | friends | enemies | achievements | stanley ryan tiger | alison creed | 2 Time Women's European Champion. 3 Time Women's Impact Champion. Hardcore Divas Champion. 11 Time Body Series Champion. |
| Zosia Championship Wrestling is being set on fire with the new talent popping up in random places. Debra Lynn Tiger shows up demanding a high profile contract in front of the live crowd. Alison Creed shows up and tries to spark an old rivalry. And now new comer Taylor Shaw wants to confront DLT about her words.
Debra Lynn Tiger smiles and looks away as Taylor Shaw all but straight up challenged her to a match. DLT quickly storms over and gets up in Shaw's face causing the crowd to erupt and Paul Heyman to quickly step between the two as the exchange heated words.
Paul Heyman: I am not going to allow my talent get into unsanctioned altercations under my watch. This is not some rinky dink bingo hall independent promotion. We deal with out issues with class. As a matter of fact, Missus Tiger you are not even contracted with this company so you must refrain laying a finger on the talent unless physically prevoked.
Paul Heyman backs away as Debra Lynn Tiger raises her hands in surrender. Taylor Shaw keeps a smirk on her face knowing she can't be touched.
Alison Creed walks around the ring and nodges Taylor Shaw causing her to stumble into Debra Lynn Tiger.
Debra Lynn Tiger gets knocked back by Taylor Shaw falling into her. Debra Lynn Tiger gets pissed and shoves her back as Paul Heyman quickly gets between the two as Alison Creed smiles laughing. Debra Lynn Tiger raises her microphone again. Debra Lynn Tiger: Both of you bitches are lucky I am not able to touch you. I would knock those damn smirks off your faces. Don't you think for one second I forgot what you did to me and my family all those years ago Alison. And as for you Taylor, I would watch what comes from you mouth because your little ass will not be able to cash the checks your mouth is writing. So I suggest you step back and get in a league you belong in. Pick a fight with that rookie Erika May or someone else of your skill level.
Debra Lynn Tiger lowers her microphone as she looks Taylor Shaw straight in the face. | "I Am God's Gift to Men and You Are Too Damn Jealous to Admit it!" | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2018 for the use of Debra for her own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
- Posts:173
- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/08/2019 07:24 AMCopy HTML
Things were heating up and Taylor was ready to fight but Heyman calmed things down 
Taylor: Well DLC I don't need for you to have a contract to beat your little ass! You have made a great name for yourself and good for you but facing me is not in your best interest cause I have faced the best from all around the world! I see you two have a history and that is fine but there are a lot of others girls here that are ready to make a name for themselfs! There is only one women's championship and you two are not the only one's that want it! So DLC if you ever want a match you got it cause I know yoiur not as good as your husband! Oh and Allison the next time you fill like putting your hands on me think again cause the next time you try that I am going to drop your ass and walk it dry! So now your both on noticed just like the rest of ZCW! I am here to rise with ZCW and no one is going to stop me! Ok Paul I am sure you want to speak your mind so the ring is all yours... Taylor stands there and smirks at the two girls and then smiles waiting to see if Paul has anything to say or if the other girls want a say next

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:18
- Posts:18
- Register:01/19/2015 20:31 PM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/09/2019 04:56 AMCopy HTML
 | friends | enemies | achievements | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Taylor Shaw lowers her microphone as she allows Paul Heyman to respond to the madness that is unfolding. Battle tested Alison Creed, Debra Lynn Tiger, and newcomer Taylor Shaw are showing that the womens' division is growing and showing their dominance.
Paul Heyman looks to raise his microphone when "Girl All The Bad Boys Want" plays interrupting him. Everyone looks to the entrance way as Erika May is shown standing on the top of the ramp. Erika May looks at the women in the ring before raising a microphone to her lips. Erika May Blah blah blah. All I hear is a bunch of hen clucking around and saying nothing of any importance. Everyone knows it is All About Me! ZCW isn't about Paul Heyman. ZCW isn't about the never been DLT. ZCWisn't about the men. ZCW isn't about that screw job Alison Creed. ZCW sure as hell isn't about that wannabe Goddess Taylor Shaw! ZCW is All About Me, Erika May!
Erika May walks down the ramp as the fans continue to boo her. Erika May climbs into the ring and waves the other women off. Erika May raises her microphone back to her lips.
Erika May Just look at me! I am the epitome of what a real woman is in and out of the ring. I am what a company looks for in a wrestler. I am dominant and I am drop dead gorgeous. And on Rush!, I will be walking out of this ring after stepping on that little cockroach over there but her out of this business. As for those two little creatures over there, there is nothing I can say that will even scratch the surface of how terrible they are. So with that being said, Mister Heyman, we all know you should just hand over the Womens Championship to me. So just hand it over to it's rightful owner, me!
Erika May extends out her arms so Paul Heyman can give her the Womens Championship. | It's All About Me | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
- Posts:173
- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/09/2019 14:32 PMCopy HTML
Things were heating up and Taylor gives Erika a look but not a drity look but one of respect. Yeah the other two girls were more of a pain in the ass but Erika was more real a woman like herself one that wanted the championship at any cost! Taylor came up with an idea and it was one that would shock the ZCW world... 
Taylor: Well welcome Erika to the crazy world that is ZCW! Yes I am new but one thing is for sure and that's I want that gold as much as you do! DLC and Allison you two have got history but you both lack what it takes to be champion! Yeah we can go all night and smack talk but I think its time to make a champion and yeah we all should have a fight for it but Paul I think we all deserve a shot so how about me and Erika vs DLC and Allison and the winning team gets to face off for the Women's Championship! I know that kind of a match should be a PPV match but think how the winning team would fair at your first PPV! Paul your GM signed me cause she knew I was what this place needed and now I have the perfect idea that could put ZCW over the top! Make this match and ZCW will have the greatest match ever! The woman here are ready to still the show! Lets make some histort Paul! What do you say??? Taylor stands there and smirks at the girls looked on and as much as Erika might not like Taylor even she must of liked her idea cause even she knew that Taylor and herself were indeed the futrue of ZCW!

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:15
- Posts:15
- Register:02/23/2010 03:03 AM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/09/2019 16:07 PMCopy HTML
 | friends | current feud | achievements | not many | to be determined | womens european champion. womens impact champion. womens xtreme champion. womens champion. 2010 diva search contestant. body series champion x3. |
| Zosia Championship Wrestling has exploded with raw intensity as of late with all the hot young female talent stating their cases for being the first ZCW Womens' Champion. Long time legends and new comers alike are coming out wanting their shots. But suspiciously absent is the resident good girl Taylor Archor from the fray.
Taylor Archor is considered to be the underdog in any promotion she comes to. She has tasted championship gold. She has been on the biggest shows imaginable. But what most people see is her not wanting to dapt to a more vengeful style. She doesn't seem to be ruthless enough to take opportunities but rather work work work for them even if they never come. People say Taylor Archor is not cut out for this industry. People say she should just stay at home and find something else more suited to her delicate demeanor.
Paul Heyman looks to be entertaining Taylor Shaw's match idea. Paul Heyman looks out to the crowd before raising the microphone to his mouth when "Blank Space" plays causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. Paul Heyman lowers his microphone once again looking pleased as Taylor Archor walks out from behind the curtain. Taylor Archor stands at the top of the ramp looking into the ring not looking to pleased. The fans erupt even louder as Taylor Archor walks down the ramp slapping hands with the fans. Taylor Archor walks around the ring picking up a microphone and climbs the steel steps. Taylor Archor stands on the apron before stepping into the ring. Taylor Archor surveys the ring noticing no one is taking her presence seriously. Taylor Archor raises the microphone up to her lips to speak.
[taylor archor] Hold on there Taylor. Oh wow I neve thought I'd have to say that out loud but I am getting off topic. I have seen three of you in the ring and I know what to deal with when in the ring. But you Shaw, you are completely unknown to me. No offense sweetheart but I don't think a lot of these people know who you are. So why should our boss put you into a championship match without proving yourself in front of this great audience? I am not saying I should be ZCW Womens Champion at the moment. Should I have the oportunity? You can bet your bottom dollar I should. But one person in this ring that shouldn't have a title opportunity is that one over there, Debra Lynn Tiger. I love your work. Don't get me wrong. You are an icon and a legend. You should have a title had a contract in the company. Who's to say you won't just leave with the championship after winning it? I am not saying I should be in her place because I know Alison Creed would just stab me in the back and try to hurt me. She is a real she devil. She has a nice exterior but under all that is a cold hearted devil just waiting to prey upon the unfortunate. Besides Shaw, shouldn't you be more worried about facing Erika May on Rush! than trying to form an alliance with her?
Taylor Archor lowers the microphone as Erika May turns her attention directly to Taylor Shaw and Debra Lynn Tiger looks about ready to pounce on Taylor Archor. | The Proper Reputation of 1989 | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:11
- Posts:11
From:United Kingdom
- Register:02/08/2014 20:39 PM
Re:Welcome To ZCW [Paul Heyman Speaks]
Date Posted:02/09/2019 17:00 PMCopy HTML
 | friends | current feud | acomplishments | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | zcw: ?????? | others: women's champion. women's european champion. women' internet champion. |
| The ZCW crowd is electric as all the women on the roster are out in the ring calling for a championship match. But there is one person everyone knows is ready for a fight and she hasn't been see yet.
"Toxic Valentine" hits as Amber looks at the curtain counting down on her hand before walking through to the hot crowd. Amber walks the stage as the fans cheer and boo for her. Amber stops at the top of the ramp and begins to gallop down the ramp trying to hype up the crowd. Amber walks around the ring hyping the crowd as she grabs a microphone. Amber climbs onto the ring apron and throws her head back screaming before pointing to herself yelling about this being her house. Amber climbs into the ring and climbs to the second rope hyping the crowd more. Amber climbs down and brings the microphone up to her.
Amber Bryant: Well. Well. Well. So this is what Major League Wrestling is all about. Some of the bigger names in professional wrestling coming here to compete and build their careers. For all of you that don't know who I am; well that is a damn shame because I am someone to be remembered in this industry. My name is Amber Bryant. I came here to ZCW for opportunities to succeed while the other General Managers held me down in favor of my older less talented sister. All because she has bigger tits and easier to bed, she got all the opportunities. But I am not here to bitch and moan about the past. That isn't my thing at all. I am here to excel my career to the stratusphere that is most certain can get to. Am I aiming for the ZCW Women's Championship? I sure as hell am but I willing to let these girls play patty cake. Just because I am just a nice girl. I came out her to make myself known to all of you that I am here and I am going to be ZCW Womens Champion. Regardless of what any of you say. Taylor Shaw has been running her mouth a lot today and I am getting quite sick of it. You have proven nothing but show you are a snarky little bitch that needs to be put in her place. If Erika May can't do it on Rush! then I will the following week or even in the locker room. You make me sick. Your little Goddess deal is unoriginal and completely pathetic. Face facts and just leave wrestling to the big girls. Erika May, we kinda have a past but I am looking forward to getting into the ring with you. Debra Lynn Tiger, go home you old hag. You don't work her so GO HOME and deal with that little brat of your's. Taylor Archor, you too need to go home. You are far too nice to be here so just leave. AND as for you Alison...The Sorority is in the past. This is ZCW. This is no bullshit wrestling like Paul Heyman likes to say. So you and I, we are not friends. We are not allies. You are the enemy and if you step into the ring with me, I will put you down.
Amber lowers her micophone as Alison Creed looks to be fuming. | The Winter Cherry Blossom | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
The Vengeful Spirit
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