Date Posted:07/08/2020 02:58 AMCopy HTML
 | July 6th, 2020 edition of The Flare for Gold Live from The Northlands Coliseum in Edmonton Alberta Canada!
The Flare For Gold kicks off with "Gold" by Imagine Dragons playing alongside the pyrotechnics.
Chase and Archor stare at each other from the other side of the ring. Chase looks down at Dangerously in her corner giving her advice. Chase turns her attention back to Archor nearly missing an Archory Practice. Chase spins Archor around and connects with an uppercut. Chase connects with another uppercut knocking Archor into the ropes before whipping her into the opposite set of ropes. Archor comes charging back and tries to use her momentum to knock Chase down with a shoulder block but Chase takes Archor down with an arm drag before quickly connecting with the Drop Dead. Chase goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Selina Chase advances to the semi finals!
Tiger and Matthews look at each other from across the ring before meeting in the center. Tiger extends his hand in a sign of sportsmanship. Matthews looks at it before question Tiger's motives. Matthews reaches out before suddenly kicking Tiger in the gut and lifts him onto his shoulders before driving him to the mat with the So Nice, I Do It Twice!. Matthews places his foot on Tiger's chest. 1 .... 2 ... 3! Matt Matthews advances to the semi finals!
Shaw and West meet in the center of the ring before shaking hands showing good sportsmanship. West and Shaw lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. West uses her size advantage to push Shaw into the corner. Shaw puts her hand up as the referee separates them. West reaches over and connects with a hard knife edge chop across the chest of Shaw. Shaw holds her chest in pain before West connects with another chop to Shaw. West pulls Shaw out of the corner and sets up for the Home Wrecking DDT but Shaw is able to twist her body and hit a northern lights suplex. Shaw gets up to her feet moments before West and connects with a quick Goddess Punch. Shaw goes for a quick cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Taylor Shaw advances to the semi finals!
Knox and DeVine look at each other from across the ring with looks of determination. As soon as the bell rang, DeVine shot out of the corner and attempted the Best Kick In The Business but Knox quickly ducked out of the way. DeVine turns around and Knox hits the Broken Arrow! DeVine falls out of the ring much to Knox's dismay. Knox slides out of the ring and picks DeVine up tossing him into the ring. Knox slides in and goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... DeVine kicks out! DeVine lifts his shoulder breaking the pin. Knox gets up and backs into the corner signaling for the end. DeVine gets back to his feet as Knox charges in and goes for another Broken Arrow but DeVine quickly hits the Best Kick in the Business! DeVine goes for the pin. 1 ... 2 ... Knox kicks out! Knox gets his shoulder up. DeVine backs into the corner and signals for his last resort. Knox gets back to his knees relative easily. DeVine runs in for the Ravishing Effect but Knox quickly drops down before kipping up to his feet and hits the Broken Arrow to DeVine. Knox makes the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Wolf Knox advances to the semi finals! |