July 5th, 2020 edition of The Flare for Gold Live from The Northlands Coliseum in Edmonton Alberta Canada!
The Flare For Gold kicks off with "Gold" by Imagine Dragons playing alongside the pyrotechnics.
Round one of the ZCW Championship kicks off when the third see, Manifest Destiny, takes on the seventh seed, Kingston Rourke, to determine the first advancement. Destiny uses his big size advantage and tosses Rourke back as they attempt to lock up. As Rourke looked up at Destiny, Destiny crossed his arms yelling towards Rourke. Rourke pulls himself to his feet before sizing Destiny up and going to lock up again. This time however, Rourke avoided being grabbed by Destiny and kicks him in the leg causing Destiny to groan. Destiny goes to slug Rourke but misses and gets another kick to the leg. Destiny yells out in frustration and storms towards Rourke under the instruction of James E. Dangerously. Rourke attempts to bail but is swiftly snatched up by Destiny and thrown into the turnbuckles. Destiny begins to drill Rourke with hard back elbows to the side of the head. Destiny lands a few steady rapid clotheslines in the corner before tossing Rourke out of the corner. Dangerously continues to bark orders to Destiny as he laughs at this monster's destruction. Destiny stomps over to Rourke and goes to pick him up but is met with a dropkick to the knee. Destiny backs up slightly before going for the snatch again but is met with another dropkick to the knee. Destiny drops down to his knee as Rourke quickly gets up and rocks Destiny with a hard knee to the face. Rourke soccer kicks Destiny's back causing him to groan from the strike. Rourke goes to lift Destiny up but is met with a hand clasped around his throat. Destiny gets back to his feet roaring in the face of Rourke before lifting him up and throwing him to the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. Dangerously calls for the Dooms Day! from the ringside area before laughing knowing it is the end. Destiny walks over to Rourke and lift him off the mat before tossing him into the ropes setting up for the end. Rourke comes charging back and Destiny grabs him spinning him around. Rourke slips out of Destiny's grip before spinning him around and connects with the Magic of the Bayou! Rourke quickly makes the cover much to Dangerously's dismay. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Kingston Rourke advances to the semi finals!
Round one of the Women's Championship Tournament kicks off with Seed one, Charisma Chase, and Seed five, Jessikah Hall-Tiger, clashing. The flames between the Tiger Dynasty and the Dangerous Family are fanned by this encounter. Chase and Hall stare at each other from across the ring with looks of determination all over their faces. The rivalry between these two groups has been getting heated through out the months. Chase and Hall lock up in the center of the ring jocking for position. Chase uses her height advantage and pulls Hall into a front face lock. Chase wrenches on the hold causing Hall to release her grip on Chase. Hall attempts to lift Chase but Chase clamps down on the hold more nixing the attempt. Hall backs into the ropes and attempts to throw Chase off but is again stopped by the tightening of the head lock. James E. Dangerously is taunting the crowd with his over the top confidence in Chase. Chase pulls Hall down to the mat putting all the leverage in her control. Hall begins to herself back to her knees then to her feet before lifting Chase up and connecting with a belly to back suplex breaking the head lock. Hall holds her neck as she gets back to her feet as Chase gets back to her feet as well. Hall runs over and hits Chase with a front dropkick knocking Chase back into the turnbuckles. Hall charges into the corner and runs up Chase doing a back flip before hitting a clothesline. Hall pulls Chase out of the corner and hits a snap suplex before floating over into a pin. 1 ... 2 ... Kick Out! Chase gets her arm up breaking the pin. Hall picks Chase up and sets up for the Hall Pass but Chase slips out and hits the Radio Edit. Chase quickly goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... Chase lifts Hall up breaking the cover at Dangerously's command. Chase picks Hall up and whips her into the corner and charges in with a roundhouse kick. Hall crumbles in the corner moments before Chase came charging in with a hip attack to Hall. Chase pulls Hall out of the corner and begins to ascend the turnbuckles. Chase reaches the top rope as Hall gets back to her feet. Hall quickly jumps up and kicks Chase causing her to sit on the top rope. Hall climbs the ropes and looks for The Way to Rainbow Road but Chase holds on leaving Hall hanging. Chase steps over Hall's arms and connects with a middle rope variation of The Sex Bomb. Chase goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Charisma Chase advances to the semi finals!
Another Round One match up in the ZCW Championship tournament as Seed Six, Stanley Ryan Tiger, and Seed Eight, Stephan Hall, square off to be the next to move forward. Hall leans in his corner with a sucker in his mouth, his sunglasses on, and his ring jacket. Tiger doesn't look fazed as he stands across the ring from Hall. Hall walks from his corner and sticks the sucker in the face of Tiger looking to be playing mind games with him. Tiger back hands the sucker out of Hall's hand before grabbing his jacket and launching him across the ring. Hall hits the mat losing his glasses before sliding out of the ring in shock. Darcy Bordeaux walks over to Hall and begins to reassure him before taking off his jacket. Tiger looks down at Hall at ringside telling him to get back into the ring. Hall tells the referee to back Tiger up as Hall gets back into the ring. Hall raises his hand up like he wanted to do the test of strength. Tiger chuckles before walking over and laces fingers with Hall. Hall raises his other hand but instead of doing the same, Tiger slaps his free hand around Hall's throat. Hall lets go of Tiger's hand as Tiger goes for a chokeslam but Hall slips out and lands behind Tiger before rubbing up on Tiger's chest. Tiger throws an elbow back but Hall ducks causing Tiger to swing for another elbow. Hall ducks the elbow and lifts Tiger for a german suplex taking him down for the first time in the match. Hall quickly mounts Tiger and begins to lay in punches to his head. Hall stops for a moment to rubs his hands on Tiger's chest before getting up and lifting Tiger up. Hall laces Tiger up and attempts a suplex but Tiger doesn't give and lifts Hall up before letting him go having him to free fall to the mat. Tiger lifts Hall up and throws him into the ropes. Hall comes charging back and plows into Tiger without Tiger moving and Hall falling to the mat flailing around. Hall rolls to the ropes as Bordeaux helps him out of the ring. Tiger slides out of the opposite side of the ring and begins to charge around the ring before being stopped by Hall putting Bordeaux in front of him as a human shield. Tigergrabs Bordeaux by the arms and sits her on the ring apron before Hall takes the opportunity to uppercut the distracted Tiger. Tiger backs up before Hall continues land punches backing Tiger into the barricade. Hall grabs Tiger and attempts to whip him into the ring post but Tiger is able to counter and launch Hall over the barricade into the crowd. Hall pulls himself up with the barricade before being snatched by Tiger pulled back over the barricade and tossed to the floor. Tiger picks Hall up and drags him over to the ring apron before rolling him into ring. Tiger pulls himself onto the ring apron and steps over the top rope attempting to enter. Bordeaux holds Tiger's foot as Hall gets up and drops onto the top rope causing Tiger to be low blowed. Hall pulls Tiger into the ring and connects with snap suplex. Hall gets up and yells out as Tiger gets back to his feet. Hall yells at Tiger to "GRAB MY DICK!". Tiger clearly is not amused by Hall's antics. Hall grabs Tiger's hand and goes to put it on his dick but it quickly scooped up and dropped to the mat with a Tiger Strike. Tiger stands up and puts his boot on Hall. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Stanley Ryan Tiger advances to the semi finals!
May and Tiger stand across the ring from one another. Both women came to ZCW to become the Women's Championship and a lose here would only set back those goals. Tiger walks to the center of the ring extending her hand in a sign of sportsmanship but May slaps it away and slaps Tiger across the face. Tiger steps back holding her cheek before May and Tiger begin to exchange blows trying to tire the other out. May backs Tiger into the ropes and whips her into the opposite set. Both women collide in the middle of the ring with May taking Tiger down with a shoulder block. May runs to the ropes as Tiger gets up and attempts an arm drag but May counters and tries one of her own. Tiger blocks it and flips over May before connecting with her own arm drag. Both women get back to their feet and look to each other before giving each other a look of respect. The women lock up in the center of the ring. May uses her size advantage and pushes Tiger into the corner. The referee gets in btween them to break them up before May reaches over and slaps Tiger across the face again. Tiger gets mad and charges May taking her down with a quick double leg takedown and begins to punch her head. Tiger gets off and attempts a texas cloverleaf but May pulls herself to the ropes before she can get it set up. May pulls herself out of the ring after the rope break and tells the referee to back Tiger up. Tiger backs up before pushing the referee aside and dives through the ropes with a suicide dive. Both women hit the ringside area as the fans erupt in excitement. Tiger gets up and picks up May rolling her into the ring. Tiger goes for the cover. 1... 2 ... May kicks out! May raises her shoulder off the mat before Tiger picks her up off the mat. Tiger locks May in an abdominal stretch looking to eliminate The Galllows from May's arsenal. May reaches out in pain for the ropes. Tiger unlaces the hold and connects with a backbreaker. Tiger pushes down on May's chest and legs looking to stretch the back out even more. May scream out in pain before punching Tiger in the ribs getting her to release the hold. Tiger and May return to their feet before locking up once again. Tiger kicks May into the gut and looks to connect with the Tiger Effect real quick but May lifts her up in the set up for The Gallows but May loses grip and Tiger quickly slips out and rolls May up. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Debra Lynn Tiger advances to the semi finals! |