April 26th, 2020 edition of Retribution! Live from The Northlands Coliseum in Edmonton Alberta Canada!
Retribution! kicks off with "Mistakes" by Burn Season playing alongside the pyrotechnics.
The kick off show starts off on a good note pitting lucha libre wrestling legend Juventud Guerrera against The Big Sleaze Stephen Hall with his lovely advocate Darcy Bordeaux by his side. Both competitors gave it their all knowing their respective tenure with the company is on the line. Juventud took the early advantage using his speed and many years of experience to his advantage. Juventud looked to end the match with a 450 Splash but was momentarily distracted by Darcy Bordeaux on the apron. Darcy uses her heaving cleavage to delay Juventud long enough for Hall to get up and knock him off the turnbuckle. Hall takes this opportunity to connect with the AMPT. Hall closed off the match with a pin fall victory.
James E. Dangerously's Dangerous Family has its first big test as their own Selina Chase faces the Queen of Xtreme Lita. The veteran Lita used her experience to gain the beginning advantage. Chase, however, was no slouch in the ring and was able to keep her own in the ring. Lita was able to connect with a Twist of Fate before climbing to the top rope. As Lita was about to launch herself, Dangerously climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. Lita looked to Dangerously before going for the Litasault but Chase had enough time to quickly roll out of the way. Lita crashed to the mat before Chase runs over and hits the Drop Dead. Chase quickly made the pinfall ending Lita's tenure.
Finally, Kingston Rourke collides with The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels in what is to be a hell of a battle of the two contrasting styles. Rourke was the first to make his entrance to the ring. As Rourke waited in the ring, HBK quickly slid into the ring from behind and blindsided an unaware Rourke with the Sweet Chin Music. HBK tried for a pinfall but Rourke surprisingly was able to kick out saving his job for the time being. HBK frustrated stomps Rourke's head before going to the corner and tuning up the band for another, and hopefully last, Sweet Chin Music. Rourke gets to his feet and is able to dodge the kick before kicking HBK in the gut and connecting with the Magic of the Bayou. Rourke quickly makes the cover ending HBK's short career in ZCW.
The Dangerous Family puts one of their careers on the line once again as Charisma Chase challenges Amber Bryant. Chase quickly takes the upper hand over powering Bryant. Bryant puts out her best effort to match Chase but is quickly shown up. Bryant used to ring awareness to bring Chase to the mat and locked in the ATO. Chase struggled to not submit as Dangerously did his best to distract someone. Bryant rocks back and forth bouncing Chase off the mat. Dangerously yells something that couldn't be picked up by the camera crew as you can see someone click in Bryant's head before she throws Chase down and confronts Dangerously very aggressively. The referee gets between Bryant and Dangerously before fist were thrown. Bryant turns her attention back to Chase before being taken down with the Radio Edit ending her career.
Two bulls collide as the legendary tough man Goldberg takes on the self proclaimed greatest big man in professional wrestling history Stanley Ryan Tiger. The moment the bell rings, Goldberg went for the Spear taking down Tiger. Goldberg signals for the end before lifting Tiger up and connecting with the Jackhammer. Goldberg was shocked when Tiger kicked out early in the count. Goldberg picks Tiger off the mat and goes for a second Jackhammer but is lifted up and hit with a thunderous Tiger Strike. Tiger makes the pinfall sending Goldberg packing.
Wolf Knox and Finn Danielson have been scheduled to due battle for many moons now but have always been called off. Finally we will all find out who is the better man. Knox was the first to get into the ring before shortly being met by Danielson. As soon as the bell rang, Knox ran across the ring and connected with the Broken Arrow shockingly ending the match and Danielson's career.
The long term rivalry that started years ago in another promotion comes to head here in ZCW as Alison Creed and Debra Lynn Tiger battle for a lasting position on the roster while the loser will be going home with their tail between their legs. Tiger and Creed circle each other in the ring not giving the other an advantage. Creed and Tiger begin to brawl in the ring showing no mercy for the other. Creed gets the upper hand as the brawl outside the ring and rams Tiger's back into the ring post. Creed pulls Tiger back and rams her back into the ring post again. Creed slides Tiger into the ring before tossing Tiger into the corner. Creed gets pulled away by the referee. Creed pushes the referee away before charging at Tiger in the corner but rams her shoulder into the ring post when Tiger moves out of the way. Tiger pulls Creed out of the corner before tossing Creed back into the ring post again. Tiger begins to stomp Creed in the corner before being pulled away by the referee. Tiger went to continue the attack but was stopped by Creed. Creed kicks Tiger in the gut and connects with The Grand Escape. Creed goes to end the match but is interrupted by Jessikah Hall-Tiger coming to ringside. Creed gets up and leans over the top rope challenging the young Tiger to enter the ring. After a time of Hall-Tiger not coming into the ring, Creed turns around and is taken to the mat with the Pounce of the Tygress by Tiger. Tiger pulls Creed's neck back arching Creed's back to an ungodly angle. Creed reaches for the bottom rope but Hall-Tiger pulls it away. Creed has no choice but to submit and ending her time on the roster.
The main event finally arrives as The Canadian Nightmare Adam Lane battles The Show Off Allen DeVine for bragging rights as well as their respective jobs. Lane was able to get the upper hand at the start of the match taking DeVine off his guard. DeVine tries to get some of his momentum back but is repeatedly foiled by Lane's high intensity offense. Lane locked up DeVine looking to end it with the Bow To The Nightmare when Anna Rose climbs onto the apron getting Lane's attention. Lane tosses DeVine aside and looks to Rose telling her to go away. Lane turns around and gets nailed with The Best Kick in the Business! DeVine gets into a corner and begins to frantically scream for Lane to get up before taking him down with The Ravishing Effect! DeVine ends the night with a pinfall victory |