Rank:Lex Lethal
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Date Posted:03/11/2019 18:54 PMCopy HTML
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| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna walked into Paul's office as it was time to meet the man that offerd her her contract and new roll. She smiled and was looking stunning. After the fast hello's Anna statered to speak... Anna: Well its great to be here and I can tell that ZCW is going to be a place to be! I am looking forward to pitching ideas and well to be honest looking forward to this new role and that's why I am here as this role. I was hoping you could help me understand that role a little better. I am also here to smack a bitch if I have to and it would seem that Ali Creed fits that need! I might have to adress that more very soon but lets talk ZCW and its needs! Help me understand what you need from me so that I can do my job well! |

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/12/2019 00:47 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Anna Rose stood in the ZCW Chairman's office before Heyman offered her to sit down at his desk. Paul Heyman was always inviting to his talent and this was no exception. Paul Heyman looked at Anna Rose as she spoke to him about her possible concerns with her role within the company. Paul Heyman was excited to have Anna Rose in the company. He has seen her work in another company and was quite pleased with her work but had a feeling she could amount to more than how she was previously used. Paul Heyman looked on as Anna Rose expressed her concerns and uestions before taking his time to answer her and put her mind at ease...hopefully.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Well Miss Rose, first let me tell you how much of a pleasure it is to have you under contract to this organization. As for inquiry, I contacted you about coming to this new business to be a producer for Rush! and the Pay-Per-Views with opportunities to compete as you request. That is what is known publically. Your role as a producer is to work along side Lee J. Tiger to help the talent put matches together and basically be someone in the back to give advice. You have been around the world and have a mind for the business. Your knowledge would be benefical for the new crop of talent and with the old. So that is why I got in contact with my resources to find you. Thank you for being gracious enough to meet with the Women's Talent Relations and signing with us.
Paul Heyman extends his hand to shake Anna Rose's hand. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
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- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/12/2019 06:47 AMCopy HTML
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| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna was all smiles as meeting Paul went better then expected... Anna: Well you can bank on me finding ways to make PPV's and matches better. I know if we all work together and put our minds to good use that we can be a great place to work! I think making new matches and just trying new things will spark a fire in this place and it will make more people want to join up! I say that we show the world what there missing! Yes sex sells but great matches and new kinds of matches will make this place rise! Now as far as my in ring thing goes yeah I still have a lot to offer and being a champion does cross my mind a bit! But first I really want to get people in here and make something great! |

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/12/2019 22:56 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Paul Heyman looks at Anna Rose with a smile on his face.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Just what I wanted to hear! Your first day of this contract will be at the first Rush! event. We have some big matches scheduled and a big main event involving some bright new women. Maybe you could help them put together a blockbuster match and make sure it is remembered for years to come. As you are aware, ZCW has forbidden any kind of sexual acts on social media or on our network. With that being said, I am not worried about you because you have kept yourself out of that light over the years. And with you being a representative of our product, you are not to partake in anything that could make people look down on the company. That means all projects outside of ZCW ie photoshoots, interviews, signs, and so on must be approved before the booking is made. I also have a very strict policy of not involving yourself personally with the talent while you are a producer. That could bring up a controversy of favortism amongst the talent if someone begins to get a push. Can you agree to that before I fully throw you into the position?
Paul Heyman looks at Anna Rose hoping she will not find his regulations as a staff member are not too overhelming. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
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- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/14/2019 02:30 AMCopy HTML
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| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna was all smiles as she starts to talk... Anna: Well I unstand all your points and also unstand that liking someone makes it easy to push them. So as far as dating goes no wrestlers is that what your saying? Does that mean staff members are off limits too. Pro Wrestling can be a long road so I I want to know who is ok to maybe date! But do note I am not here to give anyone a free ride! I want to help make this place grow. I want to see ZCW become a place that everyone wants to be in! |

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/14/2019 02:55 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Paul Heyman looks at Anna Rose and gets a little more serious.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: As a producer, you will not be having any kind of personal relationship with the active talent. I understand how the wrestling business works. I have been on the road for many many years myself. But with your staff position, any kind of personal relationship could be looked down on because people could benefit positivelt or negatively. Besides, all our staff members excluding myself and Lee J. Tiger are women. I have seen you dabble in that in your wrestling past. But I will warn you to read with caution. If stuff goes down and something is brought to my attention about the possiblities of unfair treatment, I will have to take drastic actions. Are we clear?
Paul Heyman looks at Anna Rose hoping she will understand where he is coming from. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
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- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/14/2019 04:10 AMCopy HTML
MCopy HTML WARNING;; here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here | 
| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna Looks at Pual trying to calm him a bit... Anna: Ok Paul relax I am not an unfair person! I would never treat anyone that way. I asked you face to face about dating life because of the road. So if all active people are off limmits then I guess that is the way it is. I only ask because staff is well non wrestlers! Anyways I really hope to see this place do well. Have you given any thought of how to make this place better? |

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/14/2019 23:23 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
| Paul Heyman just chuckles.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: I have already made this place the best company in the world simply by just attaching my name to itand hiring the best staff members available. I already made this place better by rooting it in Canada rather than the overly saturated United States. I had agreed to some of the biggest talent acquisitions in professional wrestling history here in ZCW. I have signed off on a blockbuster Rush! event that will soon be taped. ZCW is the best of the best. We are the top one percent of professional wrestling. Miss Rose, you are the latest of the big movements in ZCW.
Paul Heyman smirks at his cockiness. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
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- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/15/2019 21:53 PMCopy HTML
MCopy HTML WARNING;; here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here | 
| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna Looks at Pual as he really enjoys talking about this place... Anna: Well Paul it looks like you got this place ready to go and I look forward to do my best to help things along! I am a little new to this role but I will do my very best to make it work. So is there anything else before I go? |

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Rank:Tommy Rotten
- Score:56
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- Register:09/08/2012 00:37 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/16/2019 13:43 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | 90% |
| Paul Heyman sits back slightly in his chair.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Well, since you asked, there is something you can do for me before you go. And no it has nothing to do with sexual favors or anything horrendous like that. I know that is what you are used from your past bosses but that is not how it works around here. What I want you to do is personally figure out what is going on with that Allen DeVine guy. He has been tweeting about being the best in the world but I haven't seen him since his hiring. If you could be so kind to try about get a hold of him, that would be wonderful. And before you ask, no I don't need to speak with him. I just want someone to get in touch with him. We spoke about some business matters and he just vanished afterwards. I don't wanna follow through and he just blow off, you know? I would have asked Lee but he told me he is conducting official business that he would inform me off in due time. Whatever that means. I trust his word so I am not going to worry about it. Can you do that for me and get contact with DeVine?
Paul Heyman looks at Anna Rose hoping she would want to help him. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
- Score:173
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- Register:01/08/2009 10:45 AM
Re:Hitting it off
Date Posted:03/18/2019 20:44 PMCopy HTML
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| LOVER :||: ??? CHAMPIONSHIPS :||: ??? TBC BY :||: ??? | Anna smiled as the two talked a little more before she was set to head out... Anna: Yes Paul I can see if he is worth are time! I will find out what we need to know and you can bet that after I speak to him that he will either get to work or get packin lol! We need real superstars here and its time we found out just who they really are! |

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