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Date Posted:06/06/2019 03:04 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna walked in as she was flying high as she brought in another Valet and ZCW was really starting to roll. Anna smiled at her dear friend as yeah she liked her a lot but work had to be done and time for playing was later... Anna: Well girl this place is shaping up nicely! I went out and found The Perfect 10 and well luck would have it she signed and wants to find ZCW a real Champion. Don't worry she will make huge ratings for us cause she is a wild one! Hell I think the 3 of us will have to party it up sometime! Anyways I came to check up on you and to see if you were doing ok! How's the first Rush coming along? | +.Blackroses.+ |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/10/2019 02:14 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose with a smile.
Peyton Johnston Well. Good news. Rush! was a huge success and Mister Heyman is ultimately impressed with not only the upper management's decisions but the work of you and the other producers. Come to find out, the producers are huge draws to the audience and I have been asked to have them appear more often. With that being said, if you are still wanting to get those drinks, I'm down to celebrate.
Peyton Johnston looks a little worried that Anna Rose will be having second thoughts. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/13/2019 06:06 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna was pleased to hear that Peyton was ready to party! Anna enjoyed being around her new but dear friend. Rush was indeed great and ZCW was on the map so things were perfect and only getting better! Anna: Well girl that is good news and yes I am more then ready to cut loose and in fact so is my good friend that I got to join ZCW! Darcy Bordeaux will join us later at the club! Girl you did an amazing job! Now its time to relax and unwind a bit before getting back to work around here! So lets go get dolled up and go out and party hard! | +.Blackroses.+ |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/14/2019 00:23 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose with a smile.
Peyton Johnston Sounds like you got everything all together. I am ready when you are. Lets set the town a blaze.
Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose waiting to see when she is good to go. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/14/2019 17:24 PMCopy HTML
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| Anna was all smiles as she really liked Peyton as she was all class and in her eye's pretty hot as well. Yes they had a job to do and so far they did pretty dam good but tonight was all about letting loose and having a good time and Anna was sure ready for that and then some... Anna: Well Peyton I really hope that your ready to have fun cause all work and no play sucks. I think since its early we hit the spa and then after that we can hit the town. I can think of a lot of fun things to do and well if you have any ideas I am all for that tooo! | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/15/2019 01:53 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose before getting up from her chair.
Peyton Johnston Well lets get a move on. We are losing daylight by sitting on our asses. Lets be ladies and get on out here.
Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose as she walks around from behind her desk. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/19/2019 06:05 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna was all smiles as she was ready for them to have as much fun as they could and she also checked her out really good as she wanted and hoped to be the right kind of friends in the end! She got the door as they talked whoile heading out... Anna: Ok then lets go and I hope your in a really good mood cause I want to go all out and just have a blast! I need to let loose some of this stress! I think we both need a stress free night! But I have to ask is there anything that you would like to do? I know the spa is a good start and getting some drinks is going to be cool. I want you to have a lot of fun so whatever you want to do just say the word! | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/20/2019 02:51 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston smiles as her and Anna Rose head down the hall towards the parking lot.
Peyton Johnston I am up for anything lady! The spa sounds great. I could really use a massage and some down time. Then we can head out to the clubs afterwards or just go somewhere and just vegetate. Like I said, I am down for anything.
Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose as they approach the awaiting vehicle. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/20/2019 09:49 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna was all smiles as she was pleased to be able to hang out with Peyton. Anna was a strait forward girl but tonight it was about leaving work behind. They both got in a limo a ZCW limo. They came to the best spa in the city and they both got out and both with drinks in hand. Anna took out her credit card and set everything up. They both got full treatment. First Anna walked Peyton to her room where she was set for a full oil rub down. Peyton got her headset on and listened to music. Anna smiled and waited at the door. Once the guy got that she paid him 500 to let her do the rub down. Anna went in and turned on music and set the mood as Peyton waited. Anna get her hands all oiled up and went at rubbing Peyton down but she did it right not touching her in a way she wanted too. Music played and Anna did her thing and at the end Anna smiled as Peyton was relaxed but looked up and saw who rubbed her down as it was a smiling Anna! Anna: Ok please don't be mad! Girl I wanted you to feel stress free and well I really like you in a sexy kind of way! Yes I like boys and girls and well I hope me and you can be close well as close as you can handle! So yeah I am into you is that cool? | +.Blackroses |

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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/20/2019 13:37 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston turns her head seeing Anna Rose being the one to rub on her. Johnston was laying there in just a towel and strategically rolled over to keep her naughty bits covered as she looked at the ever so smiling Anna Rose.
Peyton Johnston I really don't know what to say. I am not angry nor am I repulsed by your feelings. Just abit brought back that you waited until I was basically naked and relaxed to say anything. Again, I am not upset in the slightest. You are a very lovely woman and a great friend. And I do thank you for this it was and is a very relaxing affair. I really appreciate it. But sadly, I think my time is up and it is now your time.
Peyton Johnston gets up, still clutching the towel to her, and wraps it around her as she heads for the door. Johnston turns her head and looks back into the room just as Anna Rose slipped her pants down revealing her well conditioned butt. Rose turned around with her eyes closed as Johnston got a full view of the naked Rose before smiling and walking out the door to wait on Rose before Rose noticed her friend looking at her naked figure. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/21/2019 05:39 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna smiled as it was nice to be noticed. She was hoping for a better reaction but also was hoping not to drive her away either. Anna knew that being with her would be as great as working with her. Anna loved playing both ways so she took her rub down thinking of Peyton and life while relaxing. After a bit she was done and got dressed and then went to find Peyton... Anna: Well Peyton I hope your not mad that I took it upon myself to step in and do that rub down! Sometimes in life you have to make a move and well I really wanted you to feel good! Yes I know it might have been a shock to you that I like you like that but its true! Anyways I really want us to be good friends so I hope your ok with what I did! I also hope we can go injoy our night out? | +.Blackroses |
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/21/2019 06:03 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston takes Anna Rose's hand as they walk down the hall.
Peyton Johnston Of course we are friends and i am not mad at all. It takes a lot of guts to follow your heart and i admire that. What is next on our night?
Peyton Johnston smiles before spinning Anna Rose around admiring her figure unbeknownst to Rose. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/21/2019 06:17 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna smiled as she liked the fact that Peyton was cool about how she felt. She didn't rush into anything as she didn't want to scare her off but boy she sure liked being around her and couldn't help but wonder what she would be like if they were to really have some fling... Anna: We can do anything really lol. I was thinking dinner and a movie or go dancing! I just want to take things where the night leads us! I just want to have fun and yeah I am glad you enjoyed the spa as much as I did! Is there anything that you would like to go do as this is your night too? | +.Blackroses |
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/21/2019 12:36 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston smiles turning to Anna Rose and hugging her feeling their breasts push together.
Peyton Johnston Dinner and a movie. Dancing. All that sounds lovely. Take us away Goddess of the night. Lead us to our next destination.
Peyton Johnston smiles knowing that she is just stirring the pot with Anna Rose and making her hormones races. Johnston is enjoying the night and basically teasing Rose. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/24/2019 08:54 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna smiled as things heated up a bit and she liked how Peyton played this out so with a smile she took her hand and led her to the limo and they got in and anna took her to a hill over looking the city as it was a steak house but had amazing views. They went in ordered up and while waiting they talked a bit... Anna: It really turned into a great night and this place has great food and its quiet. I'm glad you came as we both needed to chill out as ZCW is a lot of work and so far so good! You have done an amazing job and things are only going to get better! We can talk about ZCW all night but lets just keep it at we have done well so far lol! What I want to know about you is what fun things away from work do you like to do. Its just us here so don't hold back! | +.Blackroses |
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/25/2019 00:33 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston looks across the table at Anna Rose.
Peyton Johnston Well. Before I became the General Manager of ZCW, I worked as a Human Resources Representative for several companies. So I really haven't had time to let loose and do anything exiting because of my job title. But that is alright, I was aware of that before taking the positions. Same goes for being General Manager. I can't really let loose because I am representing ZCW twnety-four seven. With your role being more relaxed, what is your idea of fun? And on that note, I been hearing some interesting stories involving you and Allen DeVine. So give me the scoop, what is going on between you two?
Peyton Johnston ate and drank a little as she waited to hear what Anna Rose had to say. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/28/2019 04:51 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna smiled as she knew what kind of desert she wanted even if it wasen't on the menu. She gave a nice smile before answering her... Anna: Well you have done a great job so far but you do deserve to let loose your only human! Now as far as fun I really enjoy just doing whatever feels right! Yeah I like to party relax at home or just flat out let loose! I am only going to live once so I plan on living my life to the fullest and that is why I like guys and girls! I know that might be a shock to you but I enjoy both very much! Now as far as DeVine goes yeah he wants me a lot but I have been being careful and also been keeping him winning cause I told him if he really wanted to play that he had to win a tittle to help me look good to keep my job! I am sure he would be wild in bed but ZCW has to come first so that I can do well here! You know what you want for desert? | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/28/2019 05:41 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston looks across the table at Anna Rose as she is drinking from her wine.
Peyton Johnston Some day I will be able to let loose and maybe tonight I will be able to do just that. It has been a while since I have drank. I think it is kicking my ass right now he he he. Anyways. Hey, if you want to fool around with DeVine, more power to you. He is a pretty attractive man if I do say so myself. And to be quite frank, you won't lose your job if you shack up with the talent. You are apart of the talent pool so he is fair game to you. I, on the other hand, can't touch him and vice versa. So long story short, you want to fuck him, get on that. But back to what you were saying, I am not surprised in the bit. Why be that hot and only hit up one gender. Play the field girl!
Peyton Johnston looks at Anna Rose as Rose is hoping to get something more...meaningful from Johnston. Johnston takes Rose's hand patting it before Rose gets up, walks over to Johnston, and kisses her. A flash of light can be seen from outside but Rose and Johnston chalk it up to sparks from the moment. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!

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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/28/2019 06:27 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna gave her a real loving and sweet kiss making sure she knew what she wanted. She broke the kiss as she sat on her lap giving her more wine... Anna: Well right now your on my mind and yes I am going to play the field but your on my wish list and have been for some time now! I have plans for DeVine and yes I plan on fucking him and then some giggles! Hell girl I might even sneak you in if your that playful lol. But truth be told I really want to go dance and then take you home or go to your house and make a real night out of this cause you really make me all hot and bothered! | +.Blackroses |
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Rank:Tommy Rotten
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/28/2019 12:18 PMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston can really feel the effects of the wine as she runs her fingers through Anna Rose's hair.
Peyton Johnston Why dont we just go back to your place, kick over the furniture, and we can dance with ourselves? That would be one hell of a time.
Anna Rose loved the idea. Alone in her house with the one woman she has desired for such a long time. Rose rose from Johnston's lap before paying for the meal and getting them to the car. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/29/2019 19:59 PMCopy HTML
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| The two got to her house as the limo pulled away but was told to come back when Peyton was ready and only then. Anna took Peyton inside and got her a drink and turned on some chill music as they talked a little more about work and such just relaxing. After a bit Anna smiled and led her to the hot tub... Anna: Well girl lets relax in here and enjoy the night. I am sure you could use a break plus I told you that letting loose had its perks. So do you need some swim wear or do you just want to bare all? | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/30/2019 03:51 AMCopy HTML
 | clients | current feud | approval rating | xxxxxx | The Roberts Clan | xxxxxx |
| Peyton Johnston smiles as the wine has really set in and she is feeling real good.
Peyton Johnston You know what? Fuck it! Lets just have a good time and not care about anything,
Peyton Johnston proceeds to strip nude before climbing into the hot tub much to Anna Rose's surprise. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/30/2019 06:11 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna enjoyed watching her strip and seeing her goodies only got her blood pumping as she really wanted to just eat her up right there. She got naked as well and she took her stuff off slow giving her a little bit of a show... Anna: Well girl I see that you really take good care of yourself as your body is amazing and in fact looks so good I could kiss that body all over many times! You must really work out and eat good! What's your secret to looking so fucking god dam sexy!!!??? | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:06/30/2019 12:54 PMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston smiles as she watches the clothes just fall off Anna Rose.
Peyton Johnston I guess it is just genetic because i dont do anything special because eat a little healthy and go to the gym once or so a week.
Peyton Johnston leans her head back and closes her eyes as Anna Rose moves closer to her and sits on her lap. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 02:23 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna was pleased to be on her lap as just feeling her nude body and seeing it was just perfect. She played with her hair as she spoke out again... Anna: Well girl its working as you look amazing and seeing your goods was even better then I imagined. I can tell working with you is going to be a lot of fun and I hope we can have many more nights of just the two of us! In fact after tonight I am hoping that you will want to be around a lot more! We have done our jobs very well and now its time for the rewards part of it to kick in and for me its you! I liked you the first day I saw you in fact I fucked you in your office just thinking of ways to please you as well as working with you! So with that said is there anything I can do for you? | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 03:35 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston continues with her head leaning back feeling the wine coursing through her.
Peyton Johnston I am up for anything. I am shocked to hear about your feelings. I am glad I have been able to get out and do something nice with you.
Anna Rose smiles as she gets closer to Peyton Johnston. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 04:02 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna looked at her and just smiled as the two were so relaxed but most of all they were close friends and that was a good thing... Anna: Well Peyton I am glad your here and yes I do like you like that but I don't want to hurt our friendship so I am just going to be strait forward! I would love it if you stayed the night and if you let me please you in so many ways! I think we could have an amazing time together! I know that might seem crazy but I will treat you right and we will always be friends so you game to go have the time of your life? | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 04:22 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston lifted her head up looking at Anna Rose.
Peyton Johnston Then what are we waiting for?! Lead the way!
Anna Rose smiles as she gets off Peyton Johnson's lap. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Rank:Lex Lethal
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 04:37 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna looked at her and was all smiles again as she took her to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She looked at her perfect body before joining her to please her in ways she never thought she could be pleased in. Anna kissed her everywhere just leaving no place undone as Peyton enjoyed it. Het taste was perfect and getting her off was even more amazing as Anna got what she wanted and more as she really went at her leaving her well pleased and in awww of it all and Anna kept it up not wanting to stop but after a very long while finally came to rest back at her lipps kissing them before speaking... Anna: Well I hope that was good for you as it was for me! Your everything I expected and more! Peyton and very glad you let loose with me tonight... | +.Blackroses |
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 04:52 AMCopy HTML
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| Peyton Johnston kissed Anna Rose.
Peyton Johnston I am very pleased myself.
Peyton Johnston passes out in Anna Rose's bed. | ZCW General Manager | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
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Re:Feeling The Rush
Date Posted:07/01/2019 05:13 AMCopy HTML
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| Anna smiled as she passed out as she had a blast. Yeah she wanted her to return the favor but she hoped there would be another time so the two passed out in her bed laying together as Peyton laid in her arms. The next morning came and the two woke up and Anna smiled... Anna: I am glad you came over as I really enjoyed us hanging out! Your an amazing person and well your so what I needed as I love your style! I hope you had fun and I hope we can do this again? | +.Blackroses |
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