.shit was about to get going in a very violent way to be honest for everyone in this motherfucker, James Johnson has arrived and boy was he pissed
and ready to lay his claim on anyone who was going to stand in his way, he didnt give a single fuck who was here, he cared about hurting
people, his wife and his son but right now, he was all businsess as he chuckled before he talked as his wife smiled while he started.

.James Johnson.
. if you have been living under a damn rock, My Name is James Johnson and business in XCW has just picked the hell up and your welcome for that
cause to be honest, this place is trash but thanks to the Johnson Clan, this place is going to become something, a thank you would be nice but enough
about that bullshit, I am here for a fight, my wife is here and she better never have some stupid tweet like that fat fuck is doing to another man's wife, I will
send you straight to hell kid, so with that being said, I do have a question for this company, are you ready for VIOLENCE AT IT'S TOP LEVEL?
.James winks as he puts his arm round his wife before he talks again.
.James Johnson.
. cause the baddest dude on the face of this earth is here to fuck shit up and it starts nowwwwww,
.James winks at the camera crew before lookin at his wife as he talks to her.
.James Johnson.
have anything else to add wifey?